.. _pbmerge: pbmerge ======= :: Usage: pbmerge [options] [-o ] pbmerge merges PacBio BAM files. If the input is DataSetXML, any filters will be applied. If no output filename is specified, new BAM will be written to stdout. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit Input/Output: -o output Output BAM filename. --no-pbi Set this option to skip PBI index file creation. PBI creation is automatically skipped if no output filename is provided. INPUT Input may be one of: DataSetXML, list of BAM files, or FOFN fofn: pbmerge -o merged.bam bams.fofn bams: pbmerge -o merged.bam 1.bam 2.bam 3.bam xml: pbmerge -o merged.bam foo.subreadset.xml