
#include <pbbam/BaiIndexedBamReader.h>
class PacBio::BAM::BaiIndexedBamReader

The BaiIndexedBamReader class provides read-only iteration over BAM records, bounded by a particular genomic interval.

The SAM/BAM standard index (*.bai) is used to allow random-access operations.

Inherits from PacBio::BAM::BamReader

Constructors & Related Methods

BaiIndexedBamReader(const GenomicInterval &interval, const std::string &filename)

Constructs BAM reader, bounded by a genomic interval.

All reads that overlap the interval will be available.

  • interval: iteration will be bounded by this GenomicInterval.
  • filename: input BAM filename
  • std::runtime_error: if either file (*.bam or *.bai) fails to open for reading, or if the interval is invalid

BaiIndexedBamReader(const GenomicInterval &interval, const BamFile &bamFile)

Constructs BAM reader, bounded by a genomic interval.

All reads that overlap the interval will be available.

  • std::runtime_error: if either file (*.bam or *.bai) fails to open for reading, or if the interval is invalid

BaiIndexedBamReader(const GenomicInterval &interval, BamFile &&bamFile)

Constructs BAM reader, bounded by a genomic interval.

All reads that overlap the interval will be available.

  • std::runtime_error: if either file (*.bam or *.bai) fails to open for reading, or if the interval is invalid


const GenomicInterval &Interval() const

the current GenomicInterval in use by this reader

BaiIndexedBamReader &Interval(const GenomicInterval &interval)

Sets a new genomic interval on the reader.

reference to this reader
  • interval:

Protected Functions

int ReadRawData(BGZF *bgzf, bam1_t *b)

Performs the actual raw read of the next record from the BAM file.

Default implementation will read records, sequentially, until EOF. Derived readers may use additional criteria to decide which record is “next” and when reading is done.

Return value should be equivalent to htslib’s bam_read1(): >= 0 : normal -1 : EOF (not an error) < -1 : error

integer status code, see description
  • bgzf: BGZF stream pointer
  • b: BAM record pointer