
#include <pbbam/BamWriter.h>
class PacBio::BAM::BamWriter

The BamWriter class provides a writing interface for creating new BAM files.

   BamWriter w(...);
   // write data
// now safe to access the new file
The underlying buffered data may not be flushed to the file until the destructor is called. Trying to access the file (reading, stat-ing, indexing, etc.) before the BamWriter is destroyed yields undefined behavior. Enclose the BamWriter in some form of local scope (curly braces, a separate function, etc.) to ensure that its destructor is called before proceeding to read-based operations.

Inherits from PacBio::BAM::IRecordWriter

Constructors & Related Methods

BamWriter(const std::string &filename, const BamHeader &header, const BamWriter::CompressionLevel compressionLevel = BamWriter::DefaultCompression, const size_t numThreads = 4, const BinCalculationMode binCalculationMode = BamWriter::BinCalculation_ON)

Opens a BAM file for writing & writes the header information.

The error status will be set if either operation fails.

Set filename to “-” for stdout.
  • filename: path to output BAM file
  • header: BamHeader object
  • compressionLevel: zlib compression level
  • numThreads: number of threads for compression. If set to 0, BamWriter will attempt to determine a reasonable estimate. If set to 1, this will force single-threaded execution. No checks are made against an upper limit.
  • binCalculationMode: BAI bin calculation mode. The default behavior will ensure proper bin numbers are provided for all records written. This extra step may turned off when bin numbers are not needed. Though if in doubt, keep the default.
  • std::runtmie_error: if there was a problem opening the file for writing or if an error occurred while writing the header


Fully flushes all buffered data & closes file.

BamWriter(const BamWriter&)

Copy and Move constructors are disabled.

BamWriter &operator=(const BamWriter&)
BamWriter &operator=(BamWriter&&)

Data Writing & Resource Management

void TryFlush()

Try to flush any buffered data to file.

The underlying implementation doesn’t necessarily flush buffered data immediately, especially in a multithreaded writer situation. Let the BamWriter go out of scope to fully ensure flushing.
  • std::runtime_error: if flush fails

void Write(const BamRecord &record)

Write a record to the output BAM file.

  • std::runtime_error: on failure to write

void Write(const BamRecord &record, int64_t *vOffset)

Write a record to the output BAM file.

  • record: BamRecord object
  • vOffset: BGZF virtual offset to start of record
  • std::runtime_error: on failure to write

void Write(const BamRecordImpl &recordImpl)

Write a record to the output BAM file.

  • std::runtime_error: on failure to write

Public Types

enum CompressionLevel

This enum allows you to control the compression level of the output BAM file.

Values are equivalent to zlib compression levels. See its documentation for more details:


CompressionLevel_0 = 0
CompressionLevel_1 = 1
CompressionLevel_2 = 2
CompressionLevel_3 = 3
CompressionLevel_4 = 4
CompressionLevel_5 = 5
CompressionLevel_6 = 6
CompressionLevel_7 = 7
CompressionLevel_8 = 8
CompressionLevel_9 = 9
DefaultCompression = -1
NoCompression = CompressionLevel_0
FastCompression = CompressionLevel_1
BestCompression = CompressionLevel_9
enum BinCalculationMode

This enum allows you to control whether BAI bin numbers are calculated for output records.

For most cases, the default behavior (ON) should be retained for maximum compatibility with downstream tools (e.g. samtools index). Disabling bin calculation should only be used if all records are known to never be mapped, and even then only if profiling revelas the calculation to affect extremely performance-sensitive, “critical paths”.


BinCalculation_ON = 0